Shameless Self-promotion.

The purpose of this blog is shameless self-promotion, so the intended audiences for this “Shameless Self-promotion” sidebar are those to whom I am attempting to market my services.   For all others I refer you to the “About Me” sidebar and to my bio and the description of my practice on my firm’s website.

Let’s get to the shameless self-promotion.

I know my business.  One reason for this is that I don’t focus on fifteen different things.  That’s a definitional impossibility.  As a friend of mine says: “The plural of focused is unfocused.”  I don’t dabble.   I don’t prosecute patents, I don’t practice family law or employment law and I do not litigate.  If you need a lawyer to do those things for you I can certainly recommend some very good ones.

I do technology law – in particular information technology law.  For example, I help people with complex license transactions and bet-the-farm development deals.  I deal with content issues (including data of all sizes) and the nuts and bolts of running a technology business – like EULA’s and that kind stuff.  I practice preventative law when I can, but I do some pathology work as well.

I close deals.  I know my business, so I am able to tell you when it’s probably OK to say yes.  Saying yes takes issues off the table, builds trust and generally keeps the negotiation process moving along.

However, in the process of working through the details we sometimes find something ugly.  Some deals shouldn’t get done, no matter how much momentum they have.  Sticking a fork in them is possibly sad, but it’s a successful outcome in those cases.

I’ll tell you what I really think.  I’m not in the business of putting lipstick on pigs.  On the other hand, I know you can’t protect yourself to prosperity.  You know your business better than I do.  I’ll tell you what I think the risks and trade-offs might be, and you make the decisions.

If you need a lawyer to help with the issues discussed in this blog you could do worse than me.

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